Please stop coughing directly into each other's sinuses, please and thank you.

Okay, so, you may have heard people say things like "Vaccines are our first line of defence against COVID-19". Or flu or whatever.

This is incorrect. Vaccines, while awesome, should be around the fifth line of defence. To avoid catching and spreading airborne diseases, we should be reducing the risks by stages.

Stage 1: do you need to share the same air? Could you meet remotely, could you meet outside?

Stage 2: Ventilation. If you are in a shared indoor space, the better it is ventilated with fresh outdoor air, the less likely you are to catch or transmit anything.

Stage 3: Air filters. A filter system - preferably HEPA - can scrub the air of floating particles (respiratory droplets, pollen, fungal spores...).

Stage 4: Masking. N95 filter masks - available from any good hardware store or online - are cheap, durable, and highly effective. Use the technology that works.

Stage 5: Vaccination. Alert your immune system to potential pathogens beforehand.

Each of these stages works in synergy with all of the others, because every infection avoided is a bunch of other infections avoided downstream. Not everything can be done remotely - but the more things are, the less risky the in-person meetings are. Not every space can be well ventilated, but the more places are, the less risky everywhere is. Not everywhere has scope for air filtration, but the more places are, the less risky everywhere it. Not everyone can mask and you may not be able to mask everywhere, but the more we mask, the less risky everywhere is. Not everyone can vaccinate, but the better our vaccine coverage, the safer the whole population is.

And please stop coughing directly into each other's sinuses. It's weird.

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